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Airsoft P90 Guns - The Ins and Outs

Picture of an Airsoft P90 Assault AEG Electric Rifle Gun - All Black in color

AEG Electric P90 Assault Rifle PDW FPS-200, Silencer, Target Airsoft Gun


What are Airsoft P90's?

The actual P-90 was designed in Belgium in the 90's, and is an abbreviation for: Project 90. The Airsoft P90 version is actually a mock up of this weapon that fires rubber or plastic projectiles.

How Do They Work? What Do They Look Like?

The Airsoft P90 looks exactly as the real P90 does! It's not a common weapon seen on television, though it was used heavily in the series Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis.

These mock weapons work in three different ways. One way is by spring, which is the most common. The other way is gas, a way that many conventional weapons work, and by electricity.

The electric Airsoft guns require a battery and you need to be careful when purchasing these because some resellers will put poor quality batteries in these rifles which will either not work well, or not work at all.

FNH USA Inc P90 / PS90 Accessories, P90 Magazine Pouch

Genuine P90 Magazine Pouch

P90 Airsoft Guns - Pros and Cons

Just like with any product, there are pros and cons. This is even more true with Airsoft P90's.



What Are the Best Airsoft P90'S?


AEG Electric P90 CM-D90H

Fires 300 Rounds per Minute, Equipped with a NiCad Battery


TM P90 TR Airsoft Gun

Marui P90 TR Upgraded Kit - 390 FPS/M120

Tokyo Marui P90 TR Upgraded Kit - 390 FPS/M120

Has a muzzle velocity of 280 - 390 fps, and a clip capacity of 68, a high capacity clip will hold 300 rounds. This model is equipped with a small NiCad Battery.

This particular model is made by Tokyo Marui, the main manufacturer of Airsoft guns.


The P90 is not particularly cheap; you may end up paying more than $200 dollars for this rifle, and maybe even over $500, depending on where you get it.

Some places will sell them cheaper than others, but you need to be very careful because if you buy too cheap you may end up with exactly what you pay for.

Also keep in mind that some resellers don't provide the best batteries.

Any Tips on Using Airsoft P90's Successfully?

Though the P90 Airsoft gun is not an actual rifle, or technically a deadly weapon, it still needs to be treated with the utmost respect because it can easily put an eye out or cause other major injuries.


Though civilian ownership of the P90 is technically illegal, owning the P90 Airsoft version is quite legal and can give you the satisfaction of owning this highly powerful weapon without the legal ramifications that would accompany owning the real thing.


Never had an Airsoft P90?

Start cheap first until you get the feel of it!